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10:00am 1st Sunday of month

9:40am Morning Tea before service



1st Sunday of month – Barfold

2nd Sunday of month – Metcalfe

3rd Sunday of month – Mia Mia

4th Sunday of month – Sutton Grange

5th Sunday of month is free for people to go to other churches or a Macedon Ranges Partnership event.


Our services rotate around the churches during the month. So we have one service per month with the fifth Sunday, a combined service. We begin by gathering together before church for morning tea which gives us discussion time and an opportunity to provide hospitality to all people. Our church services also provide for discussion.



1653 Heathcote – Kyneton Road, Barfold.


What happens on a Code Red or an Extreme Fire Danger day?


With summer now upon us and a potentially severe bushfire season, it is important to be aware of our policy for our meetings and worship. Check the Contact us Page for details.




We are a part of four rural churches, Barfold Union Church, Metcalfe, Mia Mia and Sutton Grange Uniting churches, which has retained a small community feel. We have a small welcoming congregation which meets weekly offering all age ecumenical worship.

We are viewed by our communities as Community Churches with all denominations attending. The Northern Churches of the Macedon Ranges Partnership consists of four independent churches who even though we work together and have a common thread are very distinct communities. We provide mission to four different, rural, marginalised communities. All churches are seen as a very important part of our communities.

We are an all-inclusive congregation caring for, and supporting each other, helping and working together to contribute to our wider community to which we are committed. All members are very important in their communities and are involved in various activities. We are here as Christians in our communities. All churches are available for approved public activities.



Pastor Annette Buckley

Rev Rose Broadstock



An active adult fellowship meets monthly, on 2nd Tuesday, during the afternoon, at Sutton Grange, enjoying companionship, hosting social events and fundraising for charities.

We also hold a Sutton Grange Uniting Church Gala night, mid year often in the form of a Ball.

Contact Mavis – (03) 5474 8230.


In Metcalfe Elderly Citizens are run every 2nd Thursday from 11am until 4pm.

Also a Movie Day is held monthly on 2nd Tuesday, starting at 1pm. Contact Dot – (03) 5423 2635.

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