Mount Macedon

10:30am each Sunday

Visitors are always welcomed and enjoy morning tea and chatting afterwards.
Combined services are held with other congregations, usually when there is a 5th Sunday in the month.
Special Easter and Christmas services are held at those seasons.
Other special services, such as Blessing of the Animals, are also held.
Lenten and Advent studies are held most years.

682 Mount Macedon Road
Mount Macedon 3441
What happens on a Code Red or an Extreme Fire Danger day?
With summer now upon us and a potentially severe bushfire season, it is important to be aware of our policy for our meetings and worship. No services or activities will be held (including Worship, Thistle Club and Men’s Group) on days classed as Extreme or Code Red. Check the Contact us Page for full details.
The Mount Macedon Presbyterian Church was established in 1863, becoming the Uniting Church with union in 1977. The stone church was built in 1874 and continued in use until it was destroyed in the Ash Wednesday bushfires on February16th, 1983. All that remained was the stone walls of the church. The church was rebuilt as closely as possible to the original using photos and people's memories.
The church as it is today was opened on April 8th 1984.
Our church is the only church now “on the mount” and is considered a community icon. Its old world charm makes it very popular for weddings.
Our goals are to maintain worship in the community, to maintain an active cooperation with other congregations and to find new ways to relate and be involved with the communities around us.
We share the services of two ministers of the
Macedon Ranges Partnership. They include Pastor Annette Buckley and Rev Linda Young. Go to the Contact Us page for contact details of our ministers.
When these ministers are unavailable, a good roster of retired ministers, Presbytery Ministers, and a very competent group of visiting and congregational lay preachers and lay members lead services.
Elders also serve and support the congregation and contribute to services.
The Thistle Club is a women’s fellowship which meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday each month, except January. Ladies also attend from other congregations and denominations. The Thistle Club supports many missional programs, especially Uniting Care Lentara, Kyneton Food Bank and Gisborne Secondary College chaplaincy.
The Men’s Club is an informal fellowship which draws membership from outside the congregation as well and meets monthly, except January, on the first Tuesday.
Many members are involved in outreach programs. Several members volunteer with the Victorian Council of Churches Emergency Ministries.